(C) 1996-97 Philip Law pdlaw@amigaworld.com
Please note that AmFinger is still in beta stage. The latest news and information can always be found on this page.
I would be gratefull if you could help me in my development by downloading the current beta version (at the end of this page) and reporting any bugs or hits to me via e-mail.
AmFinger has the following features:
I am looking for catalog writers. If you are interested, please send me a mail. I regret I will be unable to offer you any reward for doing this other than a registered version for free
1) This program is provided "AS IS" and i make no warranties on it`s performance.
2) I cannot be held liabale for damage to your computer resulting from the useage of AmFinger
3) You use this program entirley at your own risk
Last Modification 11 May 1997